Top Secret Shoulder

I haven't been able to move my shoulder in a meaningful way for almost two weeks. I discovered that I was in agonizing pain during yoga class when I went to do a Chaturanga, and belly flopped instead. It's like there is a crinkly, crackily band of bundled up muscle knots surrounding my shoulder blade... Continue Reading →

God, that picture you posted on Facebook is so hot. Your sleeve rolled up, your smiling eyes peeking above the edge of your mask, that sticker you got because you were really good. Are you kidding me? Wait, wait, take a shot of the vaccination card with the date of your next injection on it.... Continue Reading →


2020. Wow, mama. You sure do know what you're doing. I can barely keep my eyes open. It's almost as if 2020 is my toddler with constant diarrhea, an ear infection and a face smeared with pea smush. Apologies for the visual, but really, I'm so ready for this ugly, cranky, messy, baby to go... Continue Reading →

Oh No. I Found TikTok.

Alice is 11, which means she's always dancing. Well, really TikTok dancing, which is kind of like spontaneous and sequential choreographed convulsing. When she's making a snack, she'll get out a knife and then - hip pop. She'll be getting dressed, put on her shirt and then - arm roll. She'll be brushing her teeth,... Continue Reading →

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